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Facing Issues or Want to Contribute?

🌟 Love node-zendesk? Please consider starring the project on GitHub!


It's a quick way to show your appreciation and helps us reach more users.

node-zendesk is a community-driven project, and we highly value your feedback and contributions. If you encounter any challenges, have suggestions for improvements, or want to be a part of its growth, here's how you can participate:

Reporting Issues

If you stumble upon a bug, experience unexpected behavior, or have questions about node-zendesk, please open an issue on our GitHub repository. When reporting an issue:

  • Be Specific: Clearly describe the problem you're encountering. Detail the steps to reproduce it, if possible.
  • Include Version Info: Specify the version of node-zendesk you're using, and any other pertinent details about your environment.
  • Screenshots & Logs: Attach screenshots or logs when relevant to provide a clearer picture of the issue.

Contributing via Pull Requests

Have you enhanced node-zendesk or fixed an existing bug? We'd be thrilled to review your contributions! Here's how you can submit a pull request:

  • Fork the node-zendesk repository.
  • Create a new branch dedicated to your modifications.
  • Commit your changes with a comprehensive description of your updates.
  • Initiate a pull request against the main branch of the node-zendesk repository.

Before finalizing your submission, ensure your code aligns with our coding standards and has undergone testing.

Support the Project

Your feedback and contributions significantly influence the development and success of node-zendesk. If you find this project beneficial and wish to offer further support, consider sponsoring or starring our repository.

We're grateful for your involvement in our community and your efforts to enhance node-zendesk for all users!

Released under the MIT License.